Epipremnum Aureum | Neon Pothos

Asch Building

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Neon Pothos is able to adapt to lower light but thrives in bright, indirect light year-round. Harsh, direct sunlight will scorch the leaves, while too little light will cause the leaves to become a pale green and smaller in size. 


Water your Pothos when the top 50% of the soil is dry. Water until liquid flows through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot and discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer. Look out for drooping yellow leaves, they are a symptom of too much water. 


Your bathroom or kitchen would be a great choice for your Neon Pothos because it does best in a slightly more humid environment. Brown leaf tips may indicate the air is too dry.


Neon Pothos prefer average to warm temperatures of 65-85 degrees during the day and not below 60 degrees at night.


Feed monthly or every other month in the spring and summer with a general-purpose indoor plant fertilizer. Before applying any fertilizer in any form make sure the soil is damp prior to application.


Your Pothos is mildly toxic to pets and humans. Typically, ingestion will cause mouth and stomach irritation and possible vomiting.


Feel free to trim your Neon Pothos regularly. This encourages the plant to develop more side-shoots and reduces the demand for the plant to develop a larger root system while in a confined container.